The Perfect Note

Last week our youngest daughter was in town to attend her godson’s First Communion. She was still asleep when I headed out to Bible study and Mass Friday morning, so I asked my husband to let her know what time I planned to return. I figured he’d just mention something to her before he left for work. When I got back to the house, there was a note on the kitchen table on a pad of paper, “Mom will be home at 8:40 AM!”


When I saw that note, I did a doubletake. As simple as it was, I haven’t seen a handwritten note left on our countertop—or any countertop—in years. This is something that was so commonplace back in the day, but now, with instant communication via texting, these notes have gone the way of the dinosaur.


Looking at the writing on the sheet, memories flooded through my mind. Like John and I stopping in to see his parents. If they weren’t home, inevitably there’d be a note stating where they went and when they planned to be home. (With 12 children in his family, there was always someone stopping by.)


Thinking back further, I can remember notes from childhood. I can’t picture them word for word, but I’m imagining the notes my mom left for us three kids when she traded her stay-at-home mom status for part-time work at a jewelry store. Notes about what time she’d be home from work, or what temperature to set the oven and what time to start cooking the meatloaf.


How about love notes? John’s parents were notorious for leaving notes scattered around their house for their “Sweetie.” John and I have had our share of them too. Some of them I’ve kept all these years and glance at every now and then. They always bring a smile to my face.


Anyone else remember communicating with hand-written notes scribbled on pads of paper? Anyone even have small pads of paper in their house still? If it wasn’t for the conferences I attend and the charitable donations we make, I may not have any. But, since we do, maybe it’s time to pick up that pen and make use of them. I’m sure your “Sweetie” would appreciate it!

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