Wish Bigger

As a pre-teen, our youngest child Elizabeth was diagnosed with two incurable autoimmune blood diseases. When she was 16, she was offered the opportunity to have a wish granted by Wisconsin Make-A-Wish. The day came for her to choose her wish and two volunteer wish granters arrived on our doorstep. “What is your wish?” they […]


The Autumn of my Life

Having hit a milestone birthday recently, I felt prompted to consider my goals in life now that I’m technically on the cusp of retirement. I’ve been a proponent of written goals for some 40 years now, so I dove into our old computer hard drive to find the last comprehensive list of goals (more than […]


Welcome Home!

“Welcome home.” That seems like an odd greeting to hear in Ireland for someone who has lived her entire life in the United States, but that appears to be the sentiment amongst the Irish who consider their beautiful country to be home for anyone with Irish ancestry.   You wouldn’t have to dig too deep […]