It’s super exciting to watch the process as my novel is being rolled out to the mass market. First came the launch on Kindle via Amazon. Every step of the way this book has been looked over with a fine-toothed comb. Consequently, there have been more tweaks than I ever could have imagined are possible. […]
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Today’s the day I’ve been dreaming of for six years!
This is it! After six years of blood, sweat and tears my novel is out on Amazon today! It’s currently available on Kindle but will be out in paperback on Oct. 28. It’s so surreal to look at the page on Amazon that has my book on it. This is really one of the coolest […]
A World Such as Heaven Intended Cover Choices
It’s getting real now! Just got these two mock ups of potential covers for my novel from my publisher. The publishing date is set for October 1, 2014. I’m looking for feedback. Do you like one better than the other? Would this novel catch a person’s eye if they enjoy historical fiction, romance novels or both? Would there be any appeal to this for men or more for women? Do these covers entice you to want to read this book? I’d love to hear your thoughts!