2020 Quarantine

2020 has been an interesting year, I’ll say that. Who knew that when my husband and I set out on a Caribbean cruise on February 26 that a week later when we docked that the whole world would be turned upside down? Two weeks after that our state instituted a safer-at-home mandate that remained in […]


Skin cancer PSA

Several years ago, a red patch of skin appeared on my upper left arm. At the time, I thought it was a scar that I got from scraping my arm somehow or other. Being of Irish heritage and with the realization that both of my parents have had bouts of skin cancer through the years, […]


A Life Well-Lived

As a stay-at-home mom for most of the years our children were growing up, I spent a good deal of time volunteering for their school system. When our last child graduated from high school in 2010, knowing that it was time to step aside, I was a bit out of sorts trying to figure out […]


Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week was celebrated earlier this year. Thirty-five years ago, my husband and I started our family. From the moment we laid eyes on our little baby girl, we made a decision — we would do whatever it took for me to be a stay-at-home parent. Four years and two babies later (and another […]


The Big Question

There seems to be a standard set of questions we get asked at various stages in our lives. When you’re a kid, the question is, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” In high school, it’s “Where are you going to go to college?” Once your schooling is done, the career questions […]


Special Delivery…

For years I dreamt of becoming an OB nurse. After the birth of our third child I put my name on the wait list to study nursing at FVTC. By the time my name made it to the top of the list, we were expecting our fourth child so I decided against going back to […]


Welcome Home!

“Welcome home.” That seems like an odd greeting to hear in Ireland for someone who has lived her entire life in the United States, but that appears to be the sentiment amongst the Irish who consider their beautiful country to be home for anyone with Irish ancestry.   You wouldn’t have to dig too deep […]