The Habsburg Way

So, I have this friend who had a new book published this spring, and he sent me a note several months ago asking if I’d like an advanced hardcover copy mailed to me that I could review. Just going to say, when an archduke asks me a favor, I seldom say no. Besides that, I […]


Review of The Miracle Club

The first week in July I received this message from a professional in the film PR industry: Hi Amanda. I’ve been meaning to reach out to you for some time b/c I really enjoy your entertainment coverage and commitment to faith. My name is Corby Pons and I work on the pr side for films. […]


That’s All She Wrote…

After 24 years as a freelance journalist, I made the decision last fall to give up my gigs with the last two newspapers that I’d been writing for. My final story in The Business News came out at the end of 2022, and the last story for The Compass newspaper (published by the Green Bay […]


The Sound of Freedom

The Sound of Freedom is one of the most impactful movies I’ve ever seen. John and I had the chance to watch a prescreening of the film in June so that I could review it for Every adult and mature teen who cares about the welfare of children needs to see this movie. The […]


Coming Up For Air

  In 2021 I had two books released the same month. Wasn’t necessarily my choice as they were with two different publishers. But, after that crazy month, I swore I’d never do that again. Never say never, right? In 2023 I’m facing the same issue. My first book with Chrism Press, Royal & Ancient, will […]


All In a Day’s Work

  Remember when you were a kid and people were always asking what you wanted to be when you grew up? I never had a good answer. As much as I loved history and devoured books, I hadn’t ever given a thought to becoming an author. Fast forward a couple decades and I was looking […]


Slow and Steady Wins the Race

For a good 10 years I was an active participant in an international writing forum where authors and budding authors were challenged to write 50,000 words of a novel over the course of the 30 days of November. After the non-profit group jumped off the deep end in June of 2022 when the Supreme Court […]


Ashes: Visible & Invisible Virtual Blog Tour

By Theresa Linden, Marie Keiser, Cynthia Toney, Ellen Gable, Antony Kolenc, Amanda Lauer, Carolyn Astfalk, Leslea Wahl, T.M. Gaouette, and Corinna Turner. When Liz’s faith journey hits a roadblock, will an unexpected detour and chance encounter set her back on track? A teen’s future was all set—before his tragic loss. But his friend’s secret past […]


The Autumn of my Life

Having hit a milestone birthday recently, I felt prompted to consider my goals in life now that I’m technically on the cusp of retirement. I’ve been a proponent of written goals for some 40 years now, so I dove into our old computer hard drive to find the last comprehensive list of goals (more than […]